Orthodontics through clear aligners Transparent appliances
When talking about orthodontic treatment, the first thought is often the alignment of teeth using brackets and wire braces. Modern orthodontics brings other solutions, and in this case we’re talking about alignment using transparent appliances. This is one of the most comfortable and attractive solutions for patients.
What’s an aligner?
Transparent appliances are known as aligners or clear aligners, and the most used term is transparent teeth braces.
Instead of regular braces, there are no wires and brackets here. These are individually impressed and molded appliances that the patient can set and remove themselves.
This type of appliance is known globally as Invisalign which isn’t the most accurate term. Invisalign is the most well-known brand of aligners, but not every aligner is Invisalign. At our clinic we use the IQALIGN system aligner. We own the newest technology for building aligners and we make them ourselves in our clinic.
The main advantages of the IQALIGN system:
1. Your problem will be looked at completely by our orthodontist Marko Grgurić, the creator of the IQALIGN transparent appliance system. He will judge if the IQALIGN is the best or equally valid solution in correcting Your anomaly. If it isn’t, he will recommend other options in solving your problem. That type of informing the patient is the only ethically correct one. Other transparent appliance systems, along with orthodontists, are used by health workers that haven’t gone through the three-year specialist program after dental medicine college.
Also, there are transparent appliance systems that you can get directly over the internet. We hear the experiences of unsatisfied patients and see the repercussions of such treatments every day in practice. As opposed to big companies that don’t go through the selection process we will tell you the reality of what can be done with transparent appliances and we will refuse doing something that we know isn’t good for the patient and where we will not produce an excellent result.
2. IQALIGN can be combined with other braces (hybrid treatment) at some stage of the treatment so that it would be quicker and more efficient. Transparent appliance systems have certain limitations due to their biomechanical nature which we successfully overcome this way. It’s often necessary to think outside of the boundaries of a single system so that we could give the patient the most comfortable and most acceptable solution to their problem.
3. In the IQALIGN system, every tooth movement is programmed by an orthodontics specialist, while in other systems this is most often done by other health workers with limited knowledge and limited access to diagnostic data needed for something like that. The problem isn’t the leveling of teeth but the challenge instead lies with placing them into the ideal relation with the lower teeth and the bone they’re in.
4. IQALIGN is made at our clinic which reduces the end price of the service and speeds up the whole process of manufacturing the appliance.
The advantages of transparent appliance treatment – IQALIGN
The greatest advantage of IQALIGN in relation to wire braces is the ‘invisibility’. Taking into account that the appliances are transparent, that means that they are practically invisible, almost impossible to spot, and don’t ruin the esthetics of the smile.
The second advantage is their mobility, meaning the ease of setting and taking off the appliance by the patient themselves at any moment. Still, we would like to emphasize that this advantage shouldn’t be taken for granted. It’s extremely important that the patient is disciplined and wears the aligner adhering strictly to the orthodontist’s instruction – as often as possible.
IQALIGN transparent appliance treatment brings back the disturbed esthetics and also the problems with the chewing system which can lead to further complications. Regular teeth mean an easier time maintaining oral hygiene.
Selfcontrol, discipline, and tenacity of the patient are key for wearing a transparent appliance. Only then can the treatment via transparent appliance be successful.
The process of IQALIGN transparent appliance treatment
Wearing transparent appliances should be done adhering strictly to the instructions of the orthodontist, a strictly defined number of hours per day. According to the treatment plan, regular periodic checkups are done so that the movement of the teeth according to the programmed movements in the software can be tracked and evaluated.
Step 1
At the first examination the state of the teeth and jaw is determined and the viability of the transparent appliance is evaluated. If not other types of treatment are recommended.
Step 2
If the appliance is viable, additional x-rays are taken and if needed the teeth impressions are done or the teeth arches are scanned. After that the movements are planned in a 3D software.
Step 3
After determining and planning the treatment, and the plan is communicated to the patient the process of manufacturing is started with the patient’s consent.
Step 4
After the appliances are manufactured the process of alignment starts. The patient wears the aligner for a minimum of 22 hours a day for the duration of the treatment.
Step 5
After the teeth have been aligned they will try to go back to their original position. The retention phase is here to make sure the teeth stay in the aligned position. That’s why the patient wears a retainer which stops the teeth returning to an incorrect position.
How do I know if I’m a candidate for transparent appliance treatment?
This is determined at the examination and depends on a multitude of factors. Transparent appliance treatment can be done on children as well as adults. There’s no age limit for aligning teeth this way.
Sometimes, though, the teeth will require wearing fixed braces. Unfortunately, the trend is to force a certain type of treatment to the detriment of the results of the treatment by misrepresenting a patient as a good case for transparent appliances. That approach is completely wrong. Transparent appliances can be combined with other appliances at certain stages of the treatment to create a satisfactory result that doesn’t compromise on quality. The final evaluation and decision if you’re a prime candidate for this type of alignment is done by the orthodontist.
It’s important to have the will and motivation to align your teeth and it’s our job to give you an ideal orthodontic treatment no matter if it’s IQALIGN or fixed braces. The most important thing is to correct your teeth and to free you of any orthodontic problems that you may have. You can come to us with the confidence that our dental medicine and orthodontic experts will take care of you in the best way possible.
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How long should a transparent appliance be worn?
In accordance with the plan created by the orthodontist, the plan receives a complete set of transparent appliances. The number of appliances varies depending on the complexity of the situation, and a single appliance can be worn for about two weeks and is then replaced with a new one. Depending on the situation there can be ten appliances or there can be thirty, one for each phase of teeth correction. The total time the treatment will last, as well as the total number of appliances is determined by the orthodontist. It’s important that the appliance is worn consistently, at least 22 hours a day, and that regular oral hygiene is maintained so that the process doesn’t get unnecessarily complicated. The appliance should be taken off only before eating and in case of brushing teeth. When you’re done eating or brushing teeth, the appliance should be worn again, even when sleeping. In addition to maintaining oral hygiene the appliance itself should be washed after taking it off and before setting it again. After the alignment period the patient will wear a retainer whose purpose is to stop the teeth from returning to their original position.