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Orthodontics combined with orthognathic surgery

Surgical procedures in stomatology are sometimes necessary in order to successfully complete the treatment or corrective procedures on teeth. Surgical procedures in terms of orthodontic treatment are also sometimes necessary in order to fix the position and shape of the jaw and to achieve the harmony of face and smile.

What is orthognathic surgery used for?

The upper and lower jaw can be overly emphasized, either too prominent or not prominent enough. The same thing can happen with the chin. Orthognathic surgery as part of orthodontic treatment is used to treat these anomalies in order to achieve not just teeth-smile harmony but also the harmony of the whole face. This way we enhance esthetics and also bring back the functionality of the bite.

Gornja i donja čeljust mogu biti prenaglašene, odnosno previše izbočene ili uvučene, a isto je moguće i s bradom. Ortognatskom kirurgijom u sklopu ortodontske terapije obavljamo liječenje pacijenta od ovih anomalija i postižemo ne samo sklad njegovih zubi i osmijeha, nego i sklad cjelokupnog izgleda lica, poboljšavamo mu estetiku te unaprjeđujemo zagriznu funkciju.

Orthodontic treatment in which the placement of the teeth is prepared for surgery is usually done using a fixed brace. Only when the placement of the teeth is ideally set via brace can we enter the surgical procedure process.

Orthodontics combined with surgery

Orthognathic surgery – jaw correction

The term orthognathic surgery means a surgical procedure on the jaw. Orthognathic procedures involve jaw alignment, that’s to say aligning both jaws to each other. By doing this procedure we’re fixing irregularities caused by improper growth of either the lower or upper jaw. This type of growth leads to an irregular bite and potential joint problems in the lower jaw. It can also cause airway problems

Irregular jaw growth causes imbalance in jaw development. This means that one jaw can be much more developed and prominent than the other.

Preparing for orthognathic surgery involves both the orthodontist and the maxillofacial surgeon. This procedure can improve the patient’s speech and breathing functions. The whole procedure is made up of only a few steps.


Orthognathic surgery procedure


Step 1

Before the surgical procedure it is necessary to first carry out the longer part of orthodontic treatment. The goal of the treatment is to place the teeth into an uncompensated position prior to the surgery. Also, it is necessary that all teeth are cured from illnesses like cavities and that incurable teeth are removed.


Step 2

The next step is the preparation for the surgical procedure. This involves taking imaging of the jaw and teeth and creating a procedure plan.


Step 3

The surgeon carries out the procedure with the patient undergoing general anesthesia.


Step 4

After the procedure, postoperative imaging is taken. The patient is then in for a recuperation period.


Post Op recovery as part of the orthodontic treatment


Orthognathic surgery assisted orthodontic treatment is a procedure that takes time, patience, and discipline.

As with any surgical procedure, after an orthodontic procedure comes a recovery period. The final result of the surgical procedure, and the orthodontic treatment as a whole, can be seen in the first six to twelve months after the procedure.

The patient has cold, liquid food consumption recommended in the first week, and liquid food for the next six weeks.

It’s important to remember that this is recovery after a surgery which entails swelling and pain. This can be treated with analgesics and cold compresses. The swelling should pass within a week or two. There is also a possibility of light bleeding from the operated upon area immediately after the procedure.

It is key to keep the oral cavity clean and disinfected during recovery. This can be challenging when taking into account the pain and swelling, but it is extremely necessary in order to avoid infection. The two things that must be avoided at all cost during the healing process are nicotine and alcohol.


Does the recovery after jaw surgery hurt?

As is the case with any and all surgical procedures, the recovery period can be accompanied by pain and swelling. This is completely normal and passes with time.

Will I be able to eat after the procedure?

In the first week after surgery you should eat only cold, very liquid food. In the coming weeks after that you can eat slightly less liquid food. After that the return to regular food is possible, but only with increased caution and the regular maintaining of oral hygiene from the start of recovery.